** Latest pictures added on - 05-02-2016
Marge's 2006 herd of goats.
She has 4 nannies and all 4 had triplets in 1 week. One had a still birth and another's runt wasn't able to stand so the mother rejected it. That one is living in our kitchen while Marge, Tammy and Sydney are bottle feeding it. It's name is OREO as it is brown on both ends and white in the middle.
2008 babies
Pamla's twins born 11/11.
Grace's baby, Flame, born 11/17. Grace is only 8 1/2 months and Flame was not able to drink at first, so Marge tied Grace up and milked her. She brought Flame in, fed him with a bottle to give him a start and took him back out to his momma. Later that evening she check on him and he didn't look good so she brought him back in and kept him in a box in the kitchen all night. The next morning he wouldn't drink from the bottle so she took him back to his momma and he immediately starting sucking her and is doing great.
Pictures taken out the kitchen window. These are views Lee enjoys everyday!
Neighbor's horse came to visit. They really made a mess of the yard with their hoofs. They also made a mess in the barn being nosey.
The goats broke out of the field and are enjoying the yard. They ate Marge's one lilac bush plus her rose bushes. GRRRRRRRRRR
2009 babies
Big Daddy Buck, Noah
Feb 17th
Oreo has twins, Choc� & Mocha
April 15th
Angie has twins
June 2nd
Gracie's twins
November 23rd
Oreo's twins
Spring Flowers
Bad goats - Wouldn't stay in the pen. :-(
BUT......they sure did love playing on the porch and looking in window at
AND......they sure did like eating all of Marge's plants and shrubs.
Marge's niece, Marsha's husband, Kevin, and daughter, Kammy, getting to "know" the goats.
VA provided Lee with new electric chair. This one is narrower which is much better in the trailer. It can recline.
Mark getting to "know" Stanley and Baby, the cat, wanting in on it. Sydney was taking the pictures.
Bathroom renovation for a Handicap Roll-in Shower & Pedestal Sink.
Original bathroom
Progress each night after work
Finished results
First snow of the season
Christmas cactus grown from a clipping from Marge's mom's plant
Latest addition to the farm, a drop off dog. He
looks like an English Springer Spaniel and is neutered.
He must have been abused as it took 3 weeks till he allowed Marge to pet
He loves Esther and sleeps right next to her and sometimes with his head on
This doesn't sit well Baby, the cat, as that's where she slept.
Marge has decided to name him Buddy as in Esther's buddy. :-)
Marge's walk through the neighborhood
A sunset
The start of the free range chickens
Some of the results
A "walk" around the farm
Some more of the results
Competition for the eggs
Lee using the EasyStand
Video of Baby chicks HERE (1.7 MB)
Our newest addition -
a 10 month old Great Pyrenees
and just in time as our flock of 22+ chickens is down to 11 due to
Video clip
HERE (58 MB)
A walk around
Emma drinking from birdbath, just the right height!
Alexis & Renna's surprise visit in October
Video clip HERE (3 MB) - Video clip HERE (4.4 MB)Our un-expected new resident - a kitty - making friends with Emma
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